Donna Fujii Institute | 5 day course
5 Day Course
Your Career as an Image Professional 
More and more individuals and businesses are coming to recognize the impact that image making can have on their bottom lines - success and profits.
Since 1978, I have devoted myself to helping others to reach their potential by applying my proven approach to color & style to achieve breakthroughs in personal image . My Book, Color With Style, originally published in 1990, has become an international best-seller. I am very proud to have received an IMMIE (Image Makers Merit of Industry Excellence) Award in 1992 from the Association of Image Consultants International, in recognition of my multiethnic personal color analysis system, the Lumina Color System.
Our Professional Training courses will teach you everything you need to now to start or upgrade your own image business - just as our consultants have been enjoying great success in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Australia.
All graduates of our course will receive a Certificate of Graduation, which qualifies them to practice the Donna Fujii Color System, and to purchase our unique line of color fans and other image consulting tools at preferred prices.
I welcome you to join our international family of highly satisfied and successful image experts.
All my best,
Our professional course is offered six times a year in San Francisco, and once in Tokyo.
The color and image business is an exciting, dynamic career opportunity for those with a deep appreciation of how the proper use of color and style can literally change the lives of our clients, as well as those of us who are lucky enough to be a part of this rewarding profession.
Module One: Color Analysis Professional Certification Course
The Color Analysis Module will provide all of the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct a personal color analysis for an individual or small groups including the creation of a personalized color fan in the client’s palette of best colors. This course features a hands-on approach with the student participating in all areas, including mixing paints and doing painting exercises, and practicing color analysis using live models under Donna’s supervision. This course also includes essential materials such as color drapes, neck boards, and large and small color fans.
Duration: 40 hours over 5 days
Tuition: $4,500 including important tools of the trade - color drapes, color fans, smocks, and complete classroom text with reference materials. Also includes makeup samples in the student’s best colors.
Module Two: Figure Analysis Course
This course will provide all of the knowledge and skills necessary to analyze the client’s figure type and teach how the lines, proportions and styles will impact on the different figure types. The student will learn how to recommend different styles that best compliment the client’s figure type.
Duration: 3 hours
Tuition: $600 including written materials and visual aids.
Module Three: Closet Audit Course
The student will learn how to evaluate a client’s existing wardrobe and develop a plan for building a new, well-coordinated, efficient wardrobe for all occasions. This is often the first step in the wardrobe building process, followed by personal shopping with the client to implement the wardrobe building plan.
Duration: 3 hours
Tuition: $600 including written materials and visual aids.
Module Four: Personal Shopping Course
In this course, the student will learn all aspects of acting as a personal shopper on behalf of clients from planning and pre-pulling garments, to developing a photo album of purchased items for use in organizing and selecting wardrobe for any occasion.
Duration: 3 hours
Tuition: $600 including written materials and visual aids.
1. Identify who were the key people in the color analysis field
2. Discuss the origin of color analysis
3. Demonstrate and explain these color terms: primary, secondary, warm, cool, tint, tone, shade, etc.
4. Paint your own 10 color exercise pages for your color portfolio (example color wheel, value scale, color with tint, tone, shade etc.
5. Define warm and cool colors, colors that have tint, shade and tone
6. Identify skin tone, hair colorings of the 8 Caucasian color categories
7. Describe what is high and low contrast and why it an important criteria in color analysis
8. Discuss the step by step process of color analysis
9. Identify which color tools to use for color comparison and their proper use
10. Identify warm and cool hair color and eye color
11. Describe the characteristics of a warm or cool color client
12. Determine which color category each model fits into and why
13. Assemble a custom personal color fan for a client
14. Describe the different between a custom personal color analysis vs. a quick group color analysis
15. Identify and describe the the skin tone and hair color of the different Caucasian categories
16. Identify and describe the the skin tone and hair color of the different Asian categories
17. Identify and describe the the skin tone and hair color of the different Black categories
18. Identify and describe the the skin tone and hair color of the different Hispanic categories
19. Describe olive skin tone and demonstrate how to paint an olive skin tone
20. Explain why olive skin tone color is often misunderstood
21. Demonstrate our color analysis method from beginning to end
22. Demonstrate why certain colors are flattering or unflattering to the client’s skin, hair and eye color
23. Assemble a color fan for a client with up to 90 or more color swatches
24. Demonstrate to a client how to use their color fan tool to select and coordinate their best wardrobe colors
25. Learn to use professional adjectives and avold unprofessional adjectives to describe colors during color analysis sessions
26. Explain what neutral colors are, why are they important, and how they are used
27. Learn the difference in approach between color analysis for men and women
28. Produce a sample client portfolio with suggestions for color, accessories and style
29. Define step by step makeup application for day and evening
30. Learn about business promotion ideas
31. Establish goals and objective for 5 years, 1 year and 6 months
32. Take and pass our rigorous written exam in order to earn a certificate authorizing you to practice the Donna Fujii Color Analysis System
33. Provide us feedback on the training and give suggestions on how it can be improved