By popular demand, Donna Fujii Institute is offering its Color Analysis Professional Certification Course via home and online study. We have designed a course that will allow the student to receive virtually the same level of attention and care as our regular students.
This course includes the same curriculum as the regular course, including Painting exercises, Color Analysis Practice, Style and Wardrobe training, and much more.
Tuition: $2,000 including important tools of the trade - color drapes, color fans, smocks, and complete classroom text with reference materials. Also includes makeup samples in the student’s best colors.

Since 1989, our professional color and image consultant training school has certified hundreds of graduates in the Asia Pacific region, particularly in Japan, Korea and China. As I am a Chinese/Japanese American, I quickly fell in love with the countries of my ethnic origin and of course, its wonderful people. Our best-selling color and image guidebook is in four languages, English, Japanese, Korean and Chinese, which has made it possible to attract a large number of students from this part of the world.
We have provided color and image training to groups from Osaka and Tokyo, Japan and Pusan, Korea. In 1990, we established our school in Tokyo, and have been offering our courses continuously since then. Many of our graduates have established their image consulting careers in the Asia Pacific region, including Japan, China, Hong Kong, Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand. For more information on our training offered in the Asia Pacific region, please email us at donna@donnafujii.com, and we will be happy to send you a training packet.